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Advisory Board
Member Application


The Advisory Board is the backbone of Marketplace Risk's global community - and it shapes everything that we do. From our in-person conferences and summits, to our virtual events and digital content, we look to the Advisory Board for insight, support and guidance.

Young Businesswoman

FIRST, READ THE Role and Expectations of
the ADvisory Board

​The Advisory Board is the backbone of Marketplace Risk's global community, and it shapes everything that we do. From our in-person conferences and summits to our virtual events, digital content, and global community, we look to the Advisory Board for insight, support, and guidance at every turn. To that end, Advisory Board members must demonstrate experience and/or expertise with one or more of Marketplace Risk’s focus areas, which are broadly risk management, trust & safety, regulatory compliance, legal strategy, and technology innovation for marketplaces and digital platforms. 


Advisory Board members serve as ambassadors of Marketplace Risk who contribute meaningfully to our programs and events, including by raising the profile of Marketplace Risk within their own networks, expanding Marketplace Risk to other communities, organizations, and individuals, and amplifying and expanding Marketplace RIsk programs and events.


Advisory Board members are expected to be active participants. At a minimum, Advisory Board members commit to:

  • Serve at least a one-year term (January - December).

  • Attend at least one in-person event during the one-year term: 

    • Marketplace Risk Austin Conference (February, Austin); and/or 

    • Marketplace Risk Management Conference (May, San Francisco); and/or 

    • Marketplace Risk New York Conference (September, New York); and/or

    • Marketplace Risk Global Summit (November, London).

  • Support each in-person event by: 

    • Curating topics and content for the event program;

    • Outreach to attendees, participants, and speakers; and 

    • Promoting events to your network via social media and email.

  • Participate in at least one additional Marketplace Risk program or event: 

    • Co-host a local Marketplace Risk Meet-Up in your community;

    • Serve as a forum moderator in the Community App; 

    • Coordinate and/or participate in a Virtual Event; and/or

    • Develop content, including for the blog.

  • Identify opportunities to raise the visibility of the Marketplace Risk platform wherever possible. 


Advisory Board membership begins when notified, and Advisory Board membership ends December 31st of the same year unless members are invited to rejoin for another term. Each January, the Advisory Board is refreshed to ensure that Marketplace Risk stays connected to the industry and actively engaged with the Marketplace Risk community. By refreshing the Advisory Board, certain, active Advisory Board members are automatically invited to continue for another term. This invitation may be based on the level of participation and involvement in current and/or planned programs and events. Current Advisory Board members are encouraged to identify gaps within the Advisory Board and approach qualified candidates to apply. Advisory Board members are not compensated; however, there is no cost for Advisory Board members to attend any events or programs. In addition, Advisory Board members may offer marketplace and digital platform colleagues and peers complimentary attendance at Marketplace Risk events and programs.



Thanks for submitting!

Advisory Board
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